Apr 15, 2013

My Top 20 Springtime Uses For Vinegar

1. Clean out the refrigerator with a vinegar / water solution. Apple cider vinegar helps to absorb bad odors for a couple of days if left in an open container.
2. Cleans wooden cutting boards. Works as a great substitue for baking soda, making the boards clean and free of germs.
3. Brass polisher. Vinegar (a cup) mixed with a teaspoon of salt, and a cup of flour makes a brass polish paste. Rub into brass or any metal cookware and leave for fifteen minutes before rinsing with warm water, then polish dry till they shine.
4. Insect repellent. Vinegar is a safe and effective insect repellent, chasing away ants and other insects once you wash the countertops with a vinegar solution.
5. Fruit Fly Trap. Place a small bowl of vinegar on counter, add a few a drops of liquid dish detergent. The detergent creates a skim on the top of the vinegar, and the gnat or fruit fly can’t escape and drowns. Works like a charm!
6. Weed killer. Vinegar is a great natural way to kill weeds in the lawn.  Over the counter weed killers are full of harmful chemicals, and vinegar is a great alternative. Be sure to just spray your unwanted plants and not the ground. Vinegar will kill your grass as well, so be careful to get it just where you want it!
7. Enhances the acidity in soil. When some plants call for high acid soil, use a gallon of water to a cup of vinegar then water these plants.
8. Preserves flowers. Love cut flowers in the home? Add two tablespoons of vinegar and sugar to the water to help the flowers last longer.
9. Alternate fertilizer. Vinegar, used an in eight to one mixture with water helps to fertilize plants that are in need of help. Do not use on healthy plants.
10. Soap scum remover. Rub in white distilled vinegar followed by a nice scrub with baking soda to remove soap scum from tubs and showers. Rinse well with water.
11. Toilet cleaner. Vinegar works as a substitute for baking soda to clean the toilet, inside and out. Allow vinegar to stand in bowl for half an hour before flushing.
12. Shower cleaner. If you soak a towel in vinegar then wrap around the shower head to remove the corrosion and buildup of hard water.
13. Disinfectant. Spray and clean with full-strength vinegar on all bathroom surfaces to kill germs.
14. Tile cleanser. Vinegar works well to clean mildew and scum build up on tiles and grout. Mix 1 gallon of warm water with 1 cup of vinegar, 1 cup of ammonia and 1/2 cup of baking soda for optimum effectiveness.
15. First aid. Vinegar takes the sting out of insect bites and stings and takes the burn out of sunburns. Apple cider vinegar also works to soothe sunburns too. Apply a vinegar paste of vinegar and cornstarch to dry, itchy skin to soothe and moisturize. To fight dandruff rinse shampooed hair with a one to four mixture of vinegar to water.
16. Pet odor remover. After bathing your pet, mix one cup of vinegar to two gallons of water and pour over dog, or do this instead of bathing too.
17. Mildew remover in laundry. Add vinegar in place of a fabric softener, and it will freshen up your towels and cloth items that have gotten mildewed. Vinegar naturally freshens laundry and is a softener as well.
18. Make my favorite recipe for Natural Window Cleaner Recipe
19. Make this great Natural Furniture Polish Recipe
20. Make your own All Purpose Fresh Citrus Vinegar Cleaner 

20 Springtime Uses For Vinegar

There are hundreds of uses for vinegar, and I wanted to share some of my favorites with you.  We are in the season of Spring cleaning and gardening, so I created this list of my top 20 ways to use vinegar in my home.
Vinegar is not only money saving, but it is a fantastic natural way to clean and take care of a large variety of household problems.  Over time I have eliminated harmful toxins and harsh chemicals from our home.  Using vinegar is one of those ways that makes me feel good that I am not only saving money, but keeping our home Eco-friendly.
20 Uses For Vinegar

My Top 20 Springtime Uses For Vinegar

1. Clean out the refrigerator with a vinegar / water solution. Apple cider vinegar helps to absorb bad odors for a couple of days if left in an open container.
2. Cleans wooden cutting boards. Works as a great substitue for baking soda, making the boards clean and free of germs.
3. Brass polisher. Vinegar (a cup) mixed with a teaspoon of salt, and a cup of flour makes a brass polish paste. Rub into brass or any metal cookware and leave for fifteen minutes before rinsing with warm water, then polish dry till they shine.
4. Insect repellent. Vinegar is a safe and effective insect repellent, chasing away ants and other insects once you wash the countertops with a vinegar solution.
5. Fruit Fly Trap. Place a small bowl of vinegar on counter, add a few a drops of liquid dish detergent. The detergent creates a skim on the top of the vinegar, and the gnat or fruit fly can’t escape and drowns. Works like a charm!
6. Weed killer. Vinegar is a great natural way to kill weeds in the lawn.  Over the counter weed killers are full of harmful chemicals, and vinegar is a great alternative. Be sure to just spray your unwanted plants and not the ground. Vinegar will kill your grass as well, so be careful to get it just where you want it!
7. Enhances the acidity in soil. When some plants call for high acid soil, use a gallon of water to a cup of vinegar then water these plants.
8. Preserves flowers. Love cut flowers in the home? Add two tablespoons of vinegar and sugar to the water to help the flowers last longer.
9. Alternate fertilizer. Vinegar, used an in eight to one mixture with water helps to fertilize plants that are in need of help. Do not use on healthy plants.
10. Soap scum remover. Rub in white distilled vinegar followed by a nice scrub with baking soda to remove soap scum from tubs and showers. Rinse well with water.
11. Toilet cleaner. Vinegar works as a substitute for baking soda to clean the toilet, inside and out. Allow vinegar to stand in bowl for half an hour before flushing.
12. Shower cleaner. If you soak a towel in vinegar then wrap around the shower head to remove the corrosion and buildup of hard water.
13. Disinfectant. Spray and clean with full-strength vinegar on all bathroom surfaces to kill germs.
14. Tile cleanser. Vinegar works well to clean mildew and scum build up on tiles and grout. Mix 1 gallon of warm water with 1 cup of vinegar, 1 cup of ammonia and 1/2 cup of baking soda for optimum effectiveness.
15. First aid. Vinegar takes the sting out of insect bites and stings and takes the burn out of sunburns. Apple cider vinegar also works to soothe sunburns too. Apply a vinegar paste of vinegar and cornstarch to dry, itchy skin to soothe and moisturize. To fight dandruff rinse shampooed hair with a one to four mixture of vinegar to water.
16. Pet odor remover. After bathing your pet, mix one cup of vinegar to two gallons of water and pour over dog, or do this instead of bathing too.
17. Mildew remover in laundry. Add vinegar in place of a fabric softener, and it will freshen up your towels and cloth items that have gotten mildewed. Vinegar naturally freshens laundry and is a softener as well.
18. Make my favorite recipe for Natural Window Cleaner Recipe
19. Make this great Natural Furniture Polish Recipe
20. Make your own All Purpose Fresh Citrus Vinegar Cleaner 
(recipe below)
homemade citrus vinegar cleaner- 20 uses for vinegar

Recipe For All Purpose Citrus Vinegar Cleaner

  • Use your favorite Citrus fruit peels. (Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit or Lime)
  • Place peels in a quart fruit jar
  • Add 3 1/2 Cups of distilled vinegar, cover with lid.
  • Shake up vinegar a few times and place mixture in cupboard to let it “marinate” for 1-2 weeks.
  • After 1-2 weeks, strain vinegar, to remove fruit peelings and sediment.
  • Pour citrus vinegar mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Add some drops of your favorite scent of essential oil and shake up. (I like Lavender for a fresh clean smell)
This vinegar cleaner works well for cleaning all kinds of surfaces in your home.

( Articles from http://www.deniseinbloom.com/uses-for-vinegar/)

Apr 4, 2013

  실제로 본 캐리비언 바다는 그 명성 만큼이나 푸르고 아름 다웠습니다. 물이 어쩌면 그렇게 푸르고 맑던지 몸과 마음을 모두 바닷속에 고이 고이 남겨 두고 싶었드랬습니다.

  캐나다 알버타에 사는 와이프 사촌이 쿠바에서 결혼식을 하는 덕에 팔자에도 없는 쿠바 여행을 하게 되었습니다. 거의 모든 쿠바 여행이 그렇듯이 비행기 티켓, 육로 이동 비용 그리고 리조트 내에서 숙식 및 음료가 모두 포함된 5성 리조트에서 쉬기만 하면되는 그야 말로 럭셔리한 휴가가 되겠습니다. ㅎㅎ

  먼저 쿠바여행을 하기전에 가장 의문 스러 웠던 것이 따로 한국인 으로써 쿠바 입국시 비자를 신청해야 하는 가의 여부 였습니다. 결론만 얘기하자면, '아니요'더 라구요. 중국과는 다르게 아무리 사회주의 국가라고는 하지만, 따로 비자를 신청하지 않습니다. 다만, 기내에서 비자카드를 쓰게 되는데 쿠바는 비자카드에 한 글자라도 잘못 쓰면 $20불을 내고 기내에서 다시 비자카드를 사야되서 손 떨리더라구요. 결국 우리 와이프님이 우리 보배의 비자 카드를 잘못 기입하시는 바람에 억울하게 $20 물고 비자카드를 샀더랬죠.

  다음으로는 절대 미국달러 가지고 가지 마시라고 당부 드리고 싶네요. 쿠바에서 미화는 사용 불가 입니다. CAD나 유로로 환전해서 가시는게 좋습니다. 우리 와이프님은 이번이 두번째 쿠바행 이었는데도 저한테 은행에서 미화로 바꿔오라고 하셔서;;; 캐네디언 달러 하나도 없던 저희는 돈 하나도 없이 팁도 못주는 진상 손님이 될뻔 했답니다. 다행히 저희 장모님께서 여윳돈이 좀 있으셔서 현지에서 장모님과 1:1로 체인지 했답니다.(아 USD가 CAD보다 더 비싼데...아깝습니다. ㅋ )

  쿠바는 220V를 씁니다. 따라서 캐나다에서 가시는 분들은 쿠바에 가셔서 쓰실 전자제품들이 트랜스포머(Transformer)가 딸려 있는지, 혹은 승압기를 가져 가야 하는지 여부를 잘 따져 보셔야 합니다. 저는 디지털 카메라, 노트북과 핸드폰 그리고 아이패드를 갔고 갔는데, 노트북과 디지털 카메라 배터리 충전기는  변압기가 달려 있으므로 돼지코만 붙여서 사용 하였고, 핸드폰과 아이패드는 노트북 usb 전원을 통해 충전 했습니다.

  저희가 갔던 리조트는 산타 클라라 공항에서 약 북쪽으로 한시간 반정도 떨어진 바다가 아주 아름다웠던 5성짜리 리조트 였습니다. 5성짜리 이지만 더운지역 이고 그래서 방에서 벌레도 나오고, 도마뱀도 간간히 나와 줍니다. 모든 리조트가 그런지는 모르겠지만, 이런것에 민감하게 반응 하시면 기분이 않좋으실 터이니,그냥 살짝 그러려니 하고 묻어 두시면 속 편하시고 즐거운 여행 즐기실 수 있으시리라 생각 됩니다.

  쿠바의 음식은 더운나라 라서 그런지 좀 짜더라구요. 그렇게 특별나게 맛있는 것도 없었지만 특별나게 맛없는 것도 없었습니다. 저처럼 All Inclusive 호텔이나 리조트 여행을 가시는 분은 호텔관련 Review를 꼭 참고 하셔서 내실이 어떤지도 꼼꼼히 챙겨 보시기를 강추 합니다.

  참고로 우리 한국사람들이 팁에 인색 합니다. 또 줄때도 꼭 1불씩만 주시는 분들이 많이 있더라구요. 비록 우리가 모든 돈을 다 내고 리조트에서 먹고 마시고 즐기지만, 저희가 기분이 좋도록 서비스 해주는 바텐더, 웨이터 , 쉐프 그리고 메이드에게 조금씩 성의 표시를 더 해주신다면 더욱더 즐겁고 재미난 그리고 양질의 서비스를 맘껏 받으시는 그런 쿠바 여행이 되실 것 같습니다.

  쿠바 또 가고 싶네요. ㅎ