Nov 14, 2012

다이어트를 하다보면 단게 땡길때가 많은거 같네요.
저희 처가쪽 가족들이 전부 G.I. 다이어트를 하고 있는데 몇달이 지난 지금
처남과 처남댁은 눈에 띄게 살이 빠진게 보입니다.
확실히 독하게 하더니만 결과가 좋네요.ㅎ 두달만에 10kg 가량 감량에 성공했다네요. 

이렇게 독하게 다이어트 중인 두사람이 단게 생각날 때 마다 만들어 먹던, 프로틴파우더가 들어간
피넛버터 쿠키 입니다. 밀가루와 설탕이 하나도 안들어간 쿠키 인지라 다이어트에 짱인건 말씀 안드려도 다 아시죠?ㅎ 

사실, 저 그전에 프로틴파우더 하나도 안먹어 봤거든요. 그래서 살짝 거부감이 있었어요.
프로틴파우더면 단백질 가루인데, 일단 맛도 왠지 없을것 같고 해서 살짝 긴장했거든요.
근데 왠걸요... 너무너무 맛있는거에요!!!!  
그래서 우리 집에서 심심하면 이렇게 베이킹 하고 있답니다.

오븐에 다 굽고 나면 살짝 퍼져서 넓쩍 해지는 그 촉감이 매력적인 프로틴파우더 피넛버터 쿠키  
만드는법을 지금부터 공개 합니다. 

참, 저는 베이킹 할때 저울 쓰는게 너무 너무 싫어요.ㅋ 귀찮기도 하고, 일단 여기 캐나다에서 레시피를 봐도 저울보다는 계량컵과 계량 스푼을 많이 사용 합니다.
간단하니 심플한 보배아빠랑 잘 맞습니다.ㅎ

계량컵과 계량 스푼을 사용 하였습니다.

준비물 : 프로틴파우더 2/3컵, 간 플랙스 씨앗 1/3컵(다진 호두, 혹은 견과류로 대체 가능),  
            흑설탕 스플렌다 1컵(혹은 스테비아 1 테이블 스픈 혹은 흑설탕 1컵), 계란 2개,  
            버터 녹인것 1/2컵, 피넛버터 3 테이블 스푼, 바닐라 1 테이블 스푼,  
            코코넛 오일 2.5 테이블 스푼

1. 큰 반죽 용기에 프로틴파우더 2/3컵 넣어 주세요. 저는 1/3 계량컵 으로 두번 넣었 습니다.

2. 플랙스 씨앗 간것 1/3컵 넣어 주시구요.(플랙스 씨앗이 없으시면 호두 같은 견과류로 대체 가능)

3. 계란 두개는 따로 용기에 잘 풀어 주시구요.


4. 흑설탕 스플렌다 1컵도 넣어 주시구요. 스플렌다 특유의 맛을 싫어 하시는 분은 스테비아 1 테이블 스푼으로 대체 가능해요. 정 없으시면 흑설탕으로 대체 가능 합니다. 

5. 버터 1/2컵은 전자렌지에 녹여서 (약 15~20초) 투입 해 주시구요

6. 피넛버터 3 테이블 스푼도 넣어 주세요. 저는 마침 피넛버터가 떨어져서 아몬드 버터로 대신 했습니다.

7. 바닐라 1 테이블 스푼 넣어서 바닐라 맛과 향도 나게 해주구요.

8. 코코넛 오일 2.5 테이블 스푼도 넣어 줍니다.


요렇게 모든 재료를 다 넣고, 포크로 잘 섞어 주세요. 

쿠키시트에 키친타올을 이용해서 버터로 코팅을 해준후에, 1/4컵을 사용해서 한 컵씩 쿠키시트 위에 고루 펴준후에, 

섭씨 180도로 예열된 오븐에서 10분간 구워주면...

완성 입니다.! 오븐에 들어가면 약간 퍼지면서 지들끼리 저렇게 달라 붙더라구요. ㅡㅡ;

모양은 별로 볼품 없어 보이지만, 그래도 맛은 최고 입니다.ㅎ 

이렇게 완성된 쿠키는 뒤집개로 잘 나누어서 쿠키 랙에서 식혀서 드시면 됩니다.

아마도 다음번엔 쿠키틀 같은걸 사용해서 구워주면 보기에도 훨씬 좋고 맛도 좋은 쿠키가 될듯 하지만,
보배아빠는 귀찮아서 패스!

암튼 몸에도 좋고, 맛도 좋고, 다이어트에는 더욱 좋은 프로틴 파우더 피넛버터 쿠키 꼭 한번 만들어 보세요.  

다음번엔 위에서 언급한 플랙스 씨앗이랑 스테비아에 대해 포스팅을 한번 해볼까 하네요.  
참 좋은 음식들인데 많은 분들이 아직 모르시는 것 같아서요. ㅎ

Aug 2, 2012

When I came back home from the soccer, I was so hungry.
So, I tried to have left over supper but I wanted to have something spicy and something more like Korean food and I made this simple mixed noodle which my mom used to cook for our family.

Kimchi Bibim Noodle(Mixed sweet, sour and spicy noodle) is light and good diet snack or food that you can enjoy anytime.
Here's how to make.

Preparation : 1 portion of Noodle(I used soba noodle), half cup of chopped Kimchi, Half cup of chopped cabbage

Sauce : Gochujang(Korean red hot pepper pasted) 1 Tbs, Minced garlic 0.5 Tbs, Vinegar 0.5 Tbs, Sugar 0.5 Tbs, Corn syrup 0.5 Tbs, Soy sauce 0.5 Tbs

1. Boil the water and put your noodle when it start boiling.

2. while water is boiling, prepare the sauce,

 chopped cabbage and kimchi(if you want you can add thin chopped cucumber too).

 4. when noodle cooked well, wash it with cold water as soon as possible.

 5. Mix all together and enjoy it!

I really enjoyed this noodle last night but I realized nothing is better than my mom cooked for me. It might be little bit spicy for the most western people so, you may have to adjust the amount of gochujang(korean red hot pepper pasted sauce).

Jul 31, 2012

 Well, weather is getting hot and bad smell comes from our sink the other day.
So, I decided to clean our sink but I didn't wanted to use bleach because it is too much toxic and bad for environment. 

Here's the solution : Baking soda, Vinegar and Tooth brush

Spread out 1 Tbs of baking soda on the surface where you want to clean and then pour some vinegar.

It's kinda ashamed but it's really dirty.

As soon as baking soda met vinegar, you would see bubbles.
Just let them work and you wash the dirty thing off when bubbles were gone.

Check how clean it is!
Looks like a brand new stuff.

Using baking soda and vinegar is not only eco friendly but also so easy.
I think you can use baking soda and vinegar combination on almost everything to clean them out.

Tip - pour the boiled water in the sink to kill the bacteria and harmful germs. It is more useful than bleach and more eco friendly.

Jul 25, 2012

A pantry is a terrible thing to waste.   With the business of day to day life, it’s easy to just close the pantry doors and forget about the episode of Hoarders growing inside.  Today, I tackled this daunting area of the kitchen.  We have a beautiful and spacious Avondale corner pantry, and it was a shame to have things strewn about, misplaced and shoved into corners.  We even came to find that we have a lifetime supply of pasta!  Here are some tips and tricks to help you get organized too.

1. Take everything out!  Put EVERYTHING on the counter, floor, or island.  You may be surprised what you find in there!  After the pantry is empty, wipe down all of the shelves with a damp cloth, starting at the top, and working your way down.  We don’t want our beautiful organized pantry to have graham cracker crumbs and honey sticking to everything.

2.  Purge!  Is there three almonds left in the bag?  Old opened cookies you don’t remember owning?  A bottle of coconut curry that expired in 2006? A can of clam chowder that you can’t even imagine eating?  Throw. It. Away.  Get rid of everything expired, stale, or anything you honestly won’t eat.

3.  Remove things that don’t belong.  You don’t need plant food, hammers, light bulbs, extra remote controls or shoelaces in your pantry.  This is prime real estate we’re talking about.  Get rid of things that don’t belong in the pantry, but have found their way there.

4. Group Like-Things.  Before organizing, we bought containers and baskets at the dollar store.  All tomato sauces went in a basket together, all cans of soup in another basket.  Packets of gravy, soups, etc., in a smaller basket.  All cup noodles in a larger basket on a shelf.  Baking supplies earned their own shelf.  Tupperware containers were places in an easy to reach box, on a shelf as well.

Bonus Tip: Put the things you use regularly at eye level. If you see it, you will use it, and vice versa.
Happy Organizing!!
Written by my beautiful wife Karen Lee
Original Article from Avondale Kitchens Blog

I was quite suprized how much the pots are at the shop and I thoght that there is a way I could do pretty much cheaper than that.

And I found great Eco-Friendly pot. It is paper pot!
You can make this with any kind of paper(I think!) and it's so easy!

Here's the way how to make.

1. Cut your flyer or news paper 1/8 size of original .

 2. Roll it with proper sized roller

 3. Tape one side.

4. Fold the bottom.

5. Tape one bottom.

6. Take out the roller from the paper pot.

Here  we go! Enjoy your eco-frienly paper pot!

I planted cucumber...

and it looked really good!

Why don't you try Eco Friendly paper pot today?
You will feel better and your plant will feel even better.

It is always nice to make something Eco-Friendly and it is even nicer if you use it for your garden. 
Here I'm introducing how to make Eco-friendly(and plant friendly too) plant pot.
It's egg shell pot. You can use egg shell as a pot and it is so good that you can plant them (crush the shells that roots can come out) directly into your garden.

Here's the way.

1. Collect your egg shells.
    I used the knife to crack the egg before I cooked. It was 1/3 point from the top.

2. Fill the top soil.

3. And put your seed into the soil and water them.

I also used the other part of the carton for additional plant pot.

I planted radish on the top and chinese cabbage on the bottom.

Time to be transferred! :D